A reposting of an article originally published on my blog two years ago. An Airborne company of soldiers lands in the Ashau Valley and while patrolling, come upon a former SF camp that was over-run four years earlier. They set-up a perimeter around the old site and planned to spend the remainder of the day there. However, the NVA surrounding them had other plans in mind for the Americans. Find out what happened by clicking below to read the entire article.

CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website

by H. Lee Barnes – Article originally published in 1997 by Clackamas Literary Review, in print and on the web at
clackamasliteraryreview.com.  Pictures from the web were added by John Podlaski

This story is also published/included in the book, “Gunning for Ho” by the same author.  http://www.tsengbooks.com/images/5951s.pdf

Marines at Marble Mountain claimed A Shau was filled with ju-ju; MACV Intelligence said it was filled with a regiment of NVA soldiers. In either case, it was one bad place to go. The men of Delta Company, 4th Battalion knew a fierce battle had been waged there four years before and another two years later. From time to time thereafter NVA had used the valley as a staging ground, for A Shau remained a primary infiltration route on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

One at a time the helicopters angled northward, tilted their noses and began the descent. They followed an…

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